Please find a range of topics that will hopefully be of value in your life.
Pandemic Resources for parents, carers and young people, further down this page.
“The deepest secret is that life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You are not discovering yourself, but creating yourself anew.
Seek therefore, not to find out Who You Are, but seek to determine Who You Want to Be.”
― Neale Donald Walsch
Pandemic resources for parents, carers and young people
During lockdown, those of us with caring responsibilities have supported our families. As experience as a young carer myself at 8 years old, almost 40 years ago, I am fully aware of the support needed.
More detailed advice for parents here.
Grief is something many of us may have experienced, regardless of a pandemic...... whether due to Covid, suicide or other health issues; many people will have faced the loss of someone.
You can find our information on dealing with loss and bereavement here.
Public Health England have developed explicit guidance on mental health in the crisis. If you want to develop a personalised plan for supporting your mental health you can also visit the PHE Every Mind Matters site, developed in collaboration with the Mental Health Foundation.
Many of the practical and emotional challenges that people are facing during the pandemic can also be risk factors for mental health, with many feeling worried, anxious or isolated during these challenging times. The Royal Foundation is working collaboratively with the mental health sector to support and amplify its incredible efforts to deal with the immediate and long-term impact of the pandemic on the nation’s mental health, and has embarked on innovative partnerships to signpost people to the support they need.
Support from charities for Young People:
The Mix has a free, confidential telephone helpline and online service that aims to find you the best help, whatever the problem.
Shout 85258 provides free, confidential, 24/7 text message support in the UK for anyone who is struggling to cope. They can help with issues including suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, abuse, self-harm, relationship problems and bullying. Text "Shout" to 85258 to speak to an empathetic, trained volunteer who will listen and work with you to solve problems.
If you're under 19, you can also call 0800 1111 to talk to Childline. The number will not appear on your phone bill.
The Mix has more advice about looking after yourself online when it comes to stress or worries from social media, as well as a whole section to help you with your sleep.
You can check out the Anna Freud Centre for information about exercise as mental self-care.