Is Wee NSUK right for you?
As a lover of mindful nature walks (aka forest bathing), trained as a Forest School Leader, having worked with children of various ages, including special educational needs settings and providing horticulture therapy to vulnerable adults, I have experienced the massive benefits of being outdoors for overall wellbeing, including:
increased independence
aids physical development and emotional health
raises self-esteem and confidence
communication & social skills improve
supports risk taking and enhances problem solving efficiency
stimulates the senses and creates memorable learning opportunities
develops care and concern for the world, each other and ourselves
teaches flora and fauna
The sessions are very much child-led and following their own unique interests, it is NOT a structured setting. Wee NSUK has an extremely relaxed environment and allows the children to play freely. We can all look for teachable moments when a child is exploring an activity. For more information on this please CLICK HERE
Playing outdoors can perhaps mean that although we increase our chances of falling over, we learn to get back up again, building that all important resilience!
EYFS based resources & activities
I do have experience with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and also am aware of what Ofsted requires. Even though Wee NSUK is predominantly child-led, the activities and setting up are done with keeping in mind both the EYFS and the Characteristics of Effective Learning (COEL).
Whilst outside, children can begin the journey of having the space and freedom to discover naturally about themselves. They begin to show more confidence, improve their coordination skills; solve problems, and explore any own innate interests.
This ethos of outdoor learning started in Scandinavia and has been gaining popularity in the UK. Its main theme is the child's journey, not hurrying to the end result.​​
Research shows that children can learn more effectively in the outdoors, self-esteem is increased, become more balanced, cooperate better with peers, whilst developing their physical skills.
As a practitioner I have always felt that as long as a child's personal, social and emotional needs are priority, then all other curriculum based learning will fall into place when the child is ready. Learning outdoors is pretty much a stress free environment and many of the activities can compliment all learning styles.